Kenny Andrico(2001563271)-Cyber Security

DV Run adalah acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Komunitas Mahasiswa Buddhis Dhammavadana dan TFI yang dinaungi oleh universitas bina nusantara yang bertujuan untuk membantu anak-anak yang kurang beruntung untuk mendapatkan hak mereka terutama di bidang pendidikan yaitu dengan memberikan bantuan buku alat tulis seragam dan segala sesuatu yang dapat membantu mereka untuk bisa mendapatkan pendidikan dengan baik.DVRun diselenggarakan pada tanggal 4 desember 2016 , acara ini dimulai dari pasar seni ancol kemudian dilanjutkan dengan lari sepanjang 5 KM mengitari ancol.

saya mengikuti dv run karena saya menyadari bahwa masih banyak anak-anak indonesia yang kurang beruntung sehingga mereka tidak dapat kesempatan yang baik untuk belajar, dv run adalah salah satu sarana dimana saya bisa membantu anak- anak itu . Besar harapan saya dimasa depan anak-anak yang terbantu bisa mendapatkan hak mereka untuk belajar dehingga bisa menjadi tunas bangsa yang berguna.

Selama mengikuti DVRun kita banyak mendapatkan hal hal yang tidak akan didapatkan dalam pelajaran formal, salah satunya adalah kekeluargaan.

adapun pesan saya kepada teman-teman anak jalanan dan aktivis sosial adalah jangan menyerah , saya mengutip dari film catch me if you can(2002) “2 ekor tikus jatuh kedalam ember susu yang berbeda , salah satu tikus tenggelam dan mati, tikus kedua berjuang sangat keras, saking kerasnya hingga susu itu berubah menjadi mentega” pesan yang dapat dikutip adalah jika kita mau berusaha tidak ada yang tidak bisa dilewati.

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Di perundangan indonesia, dikatakan bahwa anakyatim dan anak terlantar dipelihara oleh negara tapi pada nyatanya masih banyak anak anak diluar sana yang tidak mendapatkan hak yang seharusnya mereka dapatkan, kita semua bisa membantu mereka dengan menyumbangkan sesuatu yang bisa men-sustain mereka dalam proses belajar mengajar misalnya buku, seragam maupun alat tulis.

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Freshment Enrichment Program

General Orientation

Orientation, what will flash to your mind when you first hear that word? Suffering? Scary seniors? Bald head, perhaps? But here in Binus University the goal is to introduce campus life without suffering called freshment enrichment program or FEP.

This year the first batch of FEP starts at 19th July 2016, divided into many batches. I’m one of the new student that join the fifth batch. At the freshment enrichment program, the new student are called buddy , the one that coordinate and teach us all we should know about college life is called buddy coordinator or BC. Our FEP last for few days with a goal of introducing college life to the new student.

We the new student are required to wear white shirt, black shoes, and black pants, with the exception of first day. On the first day we are allowed to use other shirt than the required. I won’t say it was all fun and exciting, but it certainly is. The selected Buddy Coordinator usually come from the same major as the buddy, so that they can share what have they passed all this time.

We play games occasionally to train our teamwork. At one time, we have a lot of remaining time that the BC teach us how to program. At the last day we are given the chance to enlist to some of the student activity unit, extracullicular activity in other words. Some joint up to five , I personally join 2 of it to prevent inability to manage time.

Organizational Skill

As written above we are given the chance to enlist for the organization, I join two of them the cyber security community and religious organization, you can choose whether you want to be activist or not . at the cyber security community I choose to become an activist to increase my organizational skill.

Academic Orientation

Academic orientation is one of the phase of fep that simulate the life of university , intended to make the students familiar with the lesson and stuff like that. It was kinda like lecture but light lecture , not to the point that the lesson is very hard to understand. The class is usually teach by the lecture that will teach you for the rest of the semester. For me I am taught by Mr Adit which is the head of our division, personally I think I like the way he teach.


What is http? http is HIMTI togetherness and top performance ,  it is intended for himti new member to know each other. At first there are number of performance by the member of the himti, If I recall theres a band called peanut butter , they are not that good though. Then theres a talkshow and visualization that bored me to death to be honest. The fun starts at the last part of the event, they invite a DJ to play there, I don’t think I need to explain this.

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